Men On Dating – Timing, Turn-offs and Keepers

Dear Relationship Coach – “We met online and seemed to hit it off right from the start. After he answered my ad, we went on our first date, and it was fabulous. I believe we both felt a strong chemistry and learned a lot about each other. At the end of the evening we agreed to get together again. He called me the next day and we talked for three hours. On our second date, we spent the whole day together. After three dates (and many emails, phone calls) – we were talking on a Thursday night. We had previously discussed plans for Saturday. However, he did not mention it before we hung up. I wasn’t sure of how to handle the situation, so I waited until a day later and left a voice message for him, saying hi. After four days with no word, I left him an invitation to dinner at my place. I never heard back. What happened? What am I supposed to think?” (Confused Female) Continue reading Men On Dating – Timing, Turn-offs and Keepers

Technology And The Loss Of Intimacy

They met in a club and even though he was not her “type”, she agreed to a date because he was nice and she didn’t know how to say “no.” They made plans for tonight to have dinner and see a movie. However, as the appointed time draws nearer, she is frantically thinking of how she can get out of this date. She just isn’t interested in him and never would have said yes if there had been an easy way out. She is dreading an awkward evening of wishing she were home and glancing at the clock. What can she do? Then it hits her, “I Know, I’ll send a message to the Alibi and Excuse Club. They will help me find a way out.” Continue reading Technology And The Loss Of Intimacy

Playing The Dating Game To Win

DATE. The dictionary defines this word as, “an engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest.” When two people meet and share a mutual interest in exploring something more, they usually arrange a date. Simple, right? Apparently not.Dating today seems to have taken on a number of different meanings and contexts, depending upon whom you talk to. Many singles verbalize uncertainty about the who, what, when, where and how’s of dating. Somewhere along the way the game changed and the old rules were forgotten or lost. What’s a single person in search of a relationship to do? Continue reading Playing The Dating Game To Win

What Women Want From Men; Dating and Relationships

Dear Dating Coach – I have been dating a woman for almost three months. Lately, I have been confused about her behavior and need help to understand what is going on with us and what I can (should) do about it. Our relationship has gone from her calling me “sweetie” and asking for more intimacy; to telling me that I am pressuring her and need to stop pushing so hard. I have no problem going at whatever pace she is comfortable with, and I have told her this. In the past few weeks she has cancelled plans on several occasions, saying that she needs time to think because she feels afraid and uncertain about things. When I ask her to share her feelings with me, she becomes defensive and asks me to leave her alone. I have told her to do what she needs to and I will be here when she is ready. After several days of no contact she did call and ask me about my weekend plans. This is becoming very confusing. Do you have any ideas about what I could do to break this cycle and/or what she may be afraid or concerned about? Continue reading What Women Want From Men; Dating and Relationships

Summer Love – Moving On When It's Over

The days are shorter and cooler. A tune begins to play on the radio. You can feel your heart tighten. What used to be just a background melody has become your song, and you are left wondering how and why something so wonderful had to end so fast? The feelings of sadness are almost overwhelming as you reflect on the intense love affair you never expected to find and now feel completely lost without. Continue reading Summer Love – Moving On When It's Over


You thought it was love. The real thing. Perhaps the two of you shared the same feelings, but you don’t now, and you’ve just been dumped. You feel as though you’ve been dropped into a cold dark hole. Alone. Life is no longer fun. No one can understand your pain. No one. Continue reading DUMPED!!!

Crazy Love

You know, I thought all of my teenage ways of daydreaming and pinning for a guy were left behind when I graduated high school. Obviously, they weren’t because right now I’m doing both of those things for a guy I can’t stop thinking about. Continue reading Crazy Love


I suppose you could attribute it to my curious nature but I can’t stand a secret. The quickest way to irritate me is to say, “I’ve got a secret, but I can’t tell you.” It really drives me nuts! Continue reading Ariadne

Back to the Game – Single Again!

First, a mild disclaimer. This article is primarily aimed at the men out there, because it’s being told from a man’s point of view. It can’t help but sound a little sexist because I have only my personal experiences and those of my single male friends from which to draw! So ladies, forgive me in advance. However, I do think you will be able to relate to some of what I am about to say. Continue reading Back to the Game – Single Again!

Chasing Love!

Year after year people flock to the movies to see the latest romantic comedy. Why? Do you suppose it’s because of the chase? And because every new romantic comedy offers a slightly different variation on the chase? Don’t we love to see one of both characters chase each other through difficult situations until finally they end up with each other? We leave the theater with smiles in our hearts. Continue reading Chasing Love!


Imagine driving your car down a peaceful, quiet country road, passing farm after farm. You are totally in tune with the rhythm of the road as it radiates throughout your vehicle. Your body and mind are quiet and relaxed, yet at the same time you’re fully alert – almost like being at one with your car and the surrounding environment. Continue reading Creativity

The Divorce Culture – Finding No Fault

So, you might be wondering, what’s this historical social-studies stuff have to do with your divorce? Everything! In 1969, California was the first state to enact “no-fault” divorce laws. An avalanche of legal reforms followed throughout the country that allowed us to leave our marriage vows behind, almost effortlessly, without requiring a judge to find fault with the party leaving or being left. Continue reading The Divorce Culture – Finding No Fault

The Divorce Culture – The Good Divorce

Let’s face it: No mature person gets married thinking it will end in divorce. I never met a client or person who thought divorce was a fun thing. It’s often dreadful, difficult, and demanding. But sometimes it’s simply necessary. In many circumstances, it’s the only way to save your sanity, and maybe, in the worst case, your safety. Continue reading The Divorce Culture – The Good Divorce