Many online dating services offer members the option to create a video. Some even regard it as the norm, and if you don’t have one you’ll be at a big disadvantage.
But whether optional or required, that’s an opportunity that can get you a much wider range of quality prospects. Why? The secret lies is something the pros call ‘targeted marketing’.
Targeted marketing involves generating advertising that focuses on the audience you want to address. It’s used to communicate with just those who are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer. That increases the odds of getting the desired response, because you’re going after those who want what you have.
But that’s exactly what online dating is all about! Yes, you can just shotgun your efforts and hope that the numbers help you get that one right person. Or you can narrow your search and zero in on that perfect date. Creating a great video is an excellent way to do that.
A video shows so much more than a photo. Apart from the obvious fact that a video adds sound to the package, your body language amplifies the message your words deliver. That enables the viewer to get a much better idea of who you are. You may get fewer responses, but the ones you do get will be much more likely to be the ones you want.
That’s the value of targeted marketing. It creates a smaller pool, but one that is much richer in value because it contains those who are pre-disposed to like what you have to offer. In this case, that’s the unique person that is unlike the others you would have to sift through.
But a great video profile has another advantage, apart from honing in on the best candidates. It allows you to express yourself and put out the image that represents the real you.
University studies show that people are initially attracted by appearance, including tone of voice, body language and more. That may sound superficial, but at first its all you have to go on.
And it’s also true that a person conveys a lot about who they are, subconsciously, by those things. You can’t judge the whole book by its cover, but it does give you enough to decide whether you want to continue reading.
Video profiles are a great timesaver for both parties. One of the most common complaints about dating services, both offline and online, is the number of people the member has to go through to find someone they like. Video profiles help solve that problem better than anything else.
They’re a safe, information-packed way to see and be seen without risk or commitment.
They can also be great fun. Most people are initially nervous when they first step in front of the camera. But after a few minutes, they relax and just become themselves.
You can edit your video, so you don’t have to worry about those first few minutes. You can try several ‘takes’ until you get it the way you want.
With the popularity of YouTube and other video venues today, the Internet has finally caught up to something that has been common in online dating for a long time. But an Internet dating service targets those people who are looking for a relationship.
The audience is there for the same purpose you are, unlike YouTube where the videos are for every purpose under the sun.
Use that fact to your advantage and create a great video to show you at your best. Treat it like a first date and shine.