You’ve heard people talking about it. You’ve probably even seen advertisements for it on television. But for some reason, you haven’t yet given online dating a try.
Perhaps you’re a bit nervous. Perhaps you don’t know a lot about computers and the Internet. Perhaps you’ll think less of yourself if you try and find companionship using technology rather than your personality.
These concerns are understandable, but when you consider that millions of men and women are doing it every day, you’ve got to think that maybe online dating isn’t so bad.
The way online dating works is really simple. You first need a way to connect to the Internet, which most people today already have so that should not be an issue. Then using the Internet, you need to find a suitable online dating website.
Don’t let the word suitable scare you off. As you’ll see once you get into online dating, there are lots of different dating sites that cater to different groups or lifestyles. You’ll find sites for seniors, Christians, homosexuals, plain old heterosexual, and plenty more.
Most of the online dating sites are subscription-based, meaning that you’ll have to join before you’ll be able to participate. Most often, it will cost money to join, but on some online dating websites, membership is free.
The process of joining usually doesn’t involve much more than agreeing to the online dating site’s terms and conditions and paying the fee, if applicable.
Once you’re a member, the next thing you’ll need to do is create a profile and a header. Your profile is what other members are going to read and based on your profile, another person should be able to determine whether you sound like someone worth pursuing.
An effective profile not only describes you, it also talks about the qualities you’re looking for in someone else. Make it unique and be sure to proofread it before posting so you’re certain that what it says is really what you want to say.
If the site allows members to attach photos to profiles, you’ll have to decide if this is something you’ll want to do. If so, just follow the instructions to attach it to your profile.
Once your profile is posted, you can sit back and wait for others to start corresponding or you can start checking out other members’ profiles. If you find someone who sounds interesting, you can initiate the conversation.
Besides corresponding via email and the ability to sort/delete your messages, online dating sites usually offer other activities you can participate in.
Some sites offer live (typed) conversations via a site’s message board, and some sites host special events. Check both out and see whether those are activities you want to participate in.
Online dating websites offer two really nice features. First, most are open around the clock so you can ‘date’ when it’s convenient for you. And second, new members join all the time so there will always be someone new to check out!